Friday, January 19, 2007

Senate Strikes Restrictions on Grassroots Activism from Lobby Reform Bill

Contact: Stacey Holliday, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext. 126

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The U.S. Senate voted last night to delete a provision from the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007, a lobby reform bill that threatened grassroots activists with harsh restrictions and punishments. Senator Robert Bennett (R-Utah) introduced Amendment 20 to remove the provision that could have punished grassroots activists with massive fines and imprisonment for encouraging citizens to be informed and involved in the political process.

Concerned Women for America's (CWA's) President Wendy Wright said, "This provision was an unconstitutional attempt to silence and punish Americans for encouraging citizens to be involved in the political process. More and more Americans want to know what Congress is working on and to express their views to their representatives. Grassroots organizations provide vital information for citizens to communicate with their elected officials. Placing restrictions and unfair limitations on these efforts would be an assault on the freedom of speech and the representative government we cherish.

"Many thanks to Senator Bennett and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) for their leadership in eliminating an unconstitutional provision from this bill. We also applaud the many Americans who flooded Capitol Hill with calls and emails in support of the Amendment. CWA, along with other grassroots organizations and citizen activists across America, will continue our efforts to promote and instill family values in our society."

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.

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